جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري
الرئيسيةاليوميةأحدث الصورس .و .جبحـثالأعضاءالمجموعاتالتسجيلدخول


 مدونة جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
جعفر الخابوري
جعفر الخابوري

المساهمات : 31
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2024

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مُساهمةموضوع: مدونة جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري    مدونة جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري  I_icon_minitimeالخميس فبراير 15, 2024 1:29 pm

Extremist settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, under heavy guard from the occupation police and special forces, which was accompanied by attacks on Muslim worshipers and their removal from it. The settlers, protected by members of the Israeli occupation army, stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, performed Talmudic rituals at the gates and courtyards of the mosque, attacked the stationed people, imposed forced deportation against them, and stormed the Old City. In Hebron, a young man was stabbed and people and their property were attacked.

At the same time, the occupation authorities took a decision to illegally and unfairly close the Ibrahimi Mosque more than once during the past days in front of Muslim worshipers, under the pretext of Jewish holidays, and that this closure constitutes a new aggression and a heinous crime, as it deprives worshipers from performing their religious rituals, raising the call to prayer, remembering God, and establishing prayer. In this mosque in exchange for leaving it open for the settlers to perform their religious rituals.

The occupation authorities are continuing with their policy despite the fact that all divine religions forbid harming places of worship and affirm their sanctity. International laws and customs also stipulate respecting the sanctities of others and not harming them or their people in order to preserve freedom of worship. However, the occupation authorities deny all of that, and in this context specifically, international intervention and action must be done. To put a decisive end to these attacks that deprive Muslims of access to their places of worship, as the occupation authorities exercise their arbitrary, aggressive and unjust decisions in violation of all international laws and conventions that protect freedom of worship and access to their places.

These crimes, in addition to being a serious and ongoing violation of international laws, constitute new evidence that the extremist government is committing crimes against the Palestinian citizens, the true owners of the land. The extremist Israeli government bears responsibility for this crime and other crimes committed against our people, and the international community must bear its responsibilities and hold Israel accountable. For its crimes and its protection of criminal settlers.

The occupation authorities seek to end the existing legal and historical situation at Al-Aqsa by preventing worshipers from entering the mosque after beating them and brutally pursuing them to arrest them. At the same time, the occupation authorities facilitated and encouraged extremist settlers’ incursions into the mosque and the performance of Talmudic rituals.

The ongoing violations taking place at Al-Aqsa call for an Arab, Islamic and international stand, and support and support from the Arab and Muslim brothers and the international community for the Jerusalemites in light of the difficult circumstances that the occupied city of Jerusalem is going through.

The vast expanse of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, with its walls, buildings, courtyards, domes, corridors, terraces, below and above, is an Islamic endowment until the Hour of Judgment, and it is a pure right for Muslims, which no one shares with them, and it is not subject to any hostile laws or occupation decisions, and the consequences and seriousness of these attacks, which offend the feelings of Muslims in The whole world, the Palestinian people must confront these attacks, whatever the cost, to thwart the work to empty the mosque of its visitors for flimsy motives, and that this attack is nothing but a continuation of the series of Judaization that targets Jerusalem and its blessed mosque to create a new reality on earth.
Jaafar Abdul Karim Al Khabouri
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